Every outfit worthy of its Himalayan Sea Salt has a creed to help steer them onto victory and through the shadowy valleys of doubt and adversity. Here’s my version; a piece I wrote several years ago that I have since brought back to Life from the scrap-heap, aLL polished up.
For those interested, I adopted it from the rifleman’s creed by Major General William H. Rupertus (USMC). I dedicate it to all brave and would-be creative human beings of every pursuit who are in the middle of the fight for their dreams.
Onward Creatives!
“This Is My Imagination. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My imagination is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My imagination, without me, is useless. Without my imagination, I am useless. I must use my imagination true.
I must live more lucidly than my fears, for they will always try to contain me. I must capture imaginations before my own is captured. I will…
My imagination and myself know that what counts in this life are both excellence in execution and a reverent pursuit of an inspired vision. We know that it is the connection that counts. We will connect…
My imagination is real, even as I, because it is my imagination. I will learn its weaknesses, and its strengths. I will ever guard it against the trappings of cultural conventions. I will guard my vision and sense of connection to truth. I will keep my imagination open and honest.
Before God, I swear this creed. My imagination and myself are the defenders of the creative spirit. We are the masters of rote and destructive thought. We are the saviors of this world. So be it, until there is only inspired and harmonious living.”